Meet the maker

Hey everyone! My name is Salina and I'm the hands behind Lightened Candle Co! I'm an Afro-Latina candle maker hand pouring retro inspired wooden wick candles that are all natural, clean burning eco-conscious with meaning yet catchy sayings with the goal of elevating your space and self-care time.
Getting into the chandler world is quite the story. What started out as a spontaneous date that my husband and I went on quickly turned into therapy and a passion that I never knew could exist, especially since my previous career had everything to do with helping doctors and nothing to do with candle making.
After hitting a burnout wall in the medical field and catching Covid while pregnant with my second born, I realized I wanted to start a new chapter and pursue a new direction in my career life. I jumped deep into the rabbit hole world of candle making and fell completely in love with the process - and yes, even with all the failed testing. What made the experience so rewarding was gifting my candles off to family and friends and seeing how much they enjoyed something I created with my very own hands. From that moment, candle making was something I knew I wanted to do for many years to come.
My biggest inspiration comes from many talented artists and styles that cultivated the community by broadcasting such cultural aesthetics back in the late 60's into the 70's and even still till this day.
Whether you're a mom going to the bathroom as an excuse to get away from the kids, a man who just loves good smelling candles, a person who needs to light a candle every time they finish cleaning, or you're like me and light a candle every time you put on a movie and just relax, my hope is that your experience will be a good reminder that your mind and your environment deserve to be elevated and nurtured.